“You and your staff have provided a professional and clean environment for myself and others to visit. The treatment you have given me is without a doubt the best that I could have received anywhere.
I honestly feel that if I had not started to visit your office my back and neck would be in worse shape than it is at this time. Your office is very enjoyable to talk to. They are very understanding if I was going to be late or could not make my appointments.
Your therapy department has been very helpful and enjoyable to talk to also. I just want to say that overall your office is an A+ and that I will continue visiting your office and refer anyone that I talk to that could use chiropractic help. Thank you for everything you and your staff have done for me.”
– James H.
“I feel great. I am so glad I don’t need back surgery anymore. Thanks to Valentine Chiropractic Inc., my flexibility is back and now I can enjoy playing sports like I did before.”
– Luis E.
“At 18 months, Zachary began to get ear infection after ear infection. My sister suggested chiropractic care for him. Ever since he’s been getting regular care. We’re happy to report, he hasn’t had a single ear infection!”
– Zachary’s Mom
“Upon my first visit to Valentine Chiropractic Inc., I was suffering daily with severe heartaches, blurred vision, lower back pain, shoulder pain, and digestive issues.
All probably related to the type of work I do all day in front of a computer, etc. After following the recommended scheduled visits, it has become quite clear that my headaches have subsided, vision improved, no more shoulder pain and my digestive system works better.
I will continue to be a patient at Valentine Chiropractic Inc., recommend them to others and their staff is just so friendly. I love coming here!”
– Teresa R.
“I wanted to write to tell what a great help your treatments have been to both Audrey and myself. I do my stretches and cardio faithfully and have had no issues during my performances. I tighten up now and then but am able to manage it which is just amazing. Audrey doing the same at home – a little strength has returned but still numb and no worse thankfully, but no pain or discomfort.
The only reason we haven’t been coming in to see you is that we’re on a really super-tight budget now with college expenses, my new album production, and video fees etc.
As soon as we are allowed to change our health plan to the one you’re are on, we’ll be coming back for adjustments regularly. I think it’s in November but Audrey will contact your office to get your current plans as time gets nearer.
Again, awesome work. and with my daughters as well. We will see you soon!”
– Antonio
“Since I have always been skeptical of the chiropractic methods (of which I actually knew very little until you began treating me for tendinitis) it is amazing to me that I am actually writing this letter. Who would have thunk it?
What I knew then was that my “medical doctor” had recommended that I do not lift anything for 60 days and that I take four Advil every 6 hours. What I know now is, my elbow is almost 100%. While I still get a few twinges after gold or strenuous activity, my elbow is pretty much not a problem anymore.
No stress headaches or backaches. Prior to being treated by you and your staff, I took up to four Tylenol every 4-5 hours to relieve my stress headaches and backaches. I have NOT taken Tylenol, Advil, or any other so-called pain relievers in about 2 months. I don’t have the headaches anymore. This can only be contributed to chiropractic treatments.
It would seem that I am CC (Chiropractic Convert), but who wouldn’t be after the results I have seen. By the way, I also congratulate you and your staff for having created one of the most pleasant office environments I have ever experienced. I actually look forward to my visits, as do Yvonne and Nichole. Thanks for your help!”
– Richard A.